Although it may be hard to see your teeth behind your braces, you still need to take care of them. In fact, brushing and cleaning between your teeth becomes even more important when you have braces, since your dental work makes it easier for food particles and plaque to accumulate on your teeth. You should clean your teeth each morning and evening; and it is a good idea to clean your smile and your braces about 30 minutes after every meal or snack. Without proper oral hygiene, you could end up with white spots on your teeth after your braces are removed, along with cavities and damaged gums. Our orthodontist, Dr. Krushan Patel, has provided some tips on how to take care of your teeth while they are being aligned. And of course, if you can any questions about your braces and your oral hygiene in Chicago, Illinois, you can call Tooth Fairy World at 773-327-3331 today.

Brushing with Braces
As with any toothbrush, you should select one with soft bristles. Do not hurry through brushing, and concentrate on one or two teeth at a time, brushing very small circular motions. Start with your upper teeth. First, brush along the gumline and hold your toothbrush at an angle to remove the plaque that often hides in those spaces. Brush above and then below the brackets. Then CAREFULLY brush between your teeth and the wire. Don’t forget to brush the backs of your teeth and the chewing and biting surfaces of each tooth. It may help to develop a system by starting with one tooth in your smile and slowly working your way to the other side of your mouth. This will help to get you into a routine and to make sure that you take care of each of your teeth. Brushing your tongue and the roof of your mouth can remove even more bacteria and help fight bad breath. When you are done, rinse your mouth to remove any leftover food particles and toothpaste.

The areas between your teeth are the toughest to reach and are great places for plaque to hide and tooth decay to develop. However, wearing braces can make it tough to clean between your teeth, and using regular dental floss can be tough. If you struggle with traditional floss, talk to Dr. Patel about using a water-flosser, a floss threader or floss pic. You may want to try a small toothbrush called an interdental or proxy brush, which can make it much easier to clean between your teeth. You should floss or use one of these methods to clean the areas between your teeth no less than once a day, although ideally, you should take time after each meal to do so.